Saturday, November 30, 2013

Uneventful week

Had a visit from the red plague and as a result there was some weight gained this week. Most of it was water weight though and has since come off again. I'm definitely starting to see a pattern now where I gain 3-4 pounds in the first days of the period and then it just sheds right off again once it's over.

This was my first week in part two of consolidation. I've struggled a little bit with the transition, it feels like I don't have the TIME to eat all the new things. I know it's just a matter of getting used to things, but I don't do well with change.. it'll likely take me a few weeks to get a hang of things.

Weekly weight recap:

November 23:     137.2 lbs ( day after my second protein day from last week )
November 24:     140.0 lbs ( the red plague visit and also celebration meal: meatballs at Ikea)
November 25:     140.6 lbs (ate 5 cookies *shame* )
November 26:     139.2 lbs ( whole wheat pasta lunch. home made pizza supper, 2nd celebration meal)
November 27:     138.2 lbs
November 28:     138.4 lbs ( protein Thursday)
November 29:     136.6 lbs

Weight Chart

Friday, November 22, 2013

Protein... birthday?

Yesterday was my birthday and also protein Thursday. I though about it for a while and decided to honour the protein days and do my celebrations on the weekend instead. I was doing so well the whole day.. up until the evening where (to my surprise) the men in my life had planned a birthday supper at a restaurant. Usually I'm always aware of what goes on so this really took me by surprise.
 I was attempting to stick to the protein rules but as soon as the menu came out that went out the window. I ate 1 piece of garlic bread with cheese, filet mignon (rare) with pepper sauce, caesar salad and some rice and potatoes. I did show some restraint with the rice and potatoes and only ate one bite of each.
 I was expecting to have gained or at least stayed the same weight as the day before but I did end up losing a little bit. Not as much as I usually do on a pure protein day but enough. I am right now contemplating if I should make today a protein day as well to make up for the birthday cheats or if I should continue as normal but as of this moment I haven't quite made up my mind.

Weight recap for the week:

November 16: 137.0 lbs (celebration meal: cheese/bacon burger, fries, ice cream sandwich, chips)
November 17: 138.4 lbs
November 18: 139.4 lbs
November 19: 138.3 lbs (whole wheat pasta day)
November 20: 138.6 lbs (I baked cookies... I should know better)
November 21: 139.8 lbs (cookie shame weight gain along with the botched protein day)
November 22: 138.4 lbs

Weight Chart

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Another week down

Time is moving surprisingly fast these days. One more week and I will enter part two of the consolidation phase. I'm hoping I'll be able to continue showing the same restraint as I've managed up until now with the added carb intake that part two brings with it. It scares me a little bit just like going from cruise to consolidation did but I hope that fear is unfounded and things will continue to go well.

Next week my protein day might be on a different day than normal, depending on what plans are made. Would be the first time I deviate from that rule.

Here's the past weeks weight recap:

November 9:   137.4 lbs (Celebration meal: Home made pizza, ice cream sandwich, some chips.)
November 10: 139.4 lbs (Bingefest 2013: Candy edition *much shame*)
November 11: 139.8 lbs (Whole wheat pasta meal with leftover steak)
November 12: 139.2 lbs
November 13: 138.6 lbs
November 14: 137.6 lbs (Protein Thursday)
November 15: 136.0 lbs

Weight Chart

Monday, November 11, 2013

Bingefest 2013: Candy edition

This weekend was bad. Bad bad bad bad. I received a care package from my mom, she sends one every year and it's awesome. Got some candy from home. Candy from home is much tastier than candy from here. I ate WAAAYYY too much. While it tasted good eating it I'm not feeling great now. Not about the little weight gain, I knew that was coming, but just not good in general.
 I think that having been detoxed from the sugar back in March has made my body less happy about receiving it now. I'm feeling sluggish and my head hurts a lot. Also got a zit, my first in months. My skin has been incredibly clear and radiant on this diet.  Today I'm going to stick to the rules and try to drink more water than usual to flush the bad out as fast as possible.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Almost at the halfway mark

Two more weeks and then I will be in the second part of consolidation. This will mean two celebration meals per week. I'm hoping the diet will continue to work as well as it has been up to date. I'm still surprised it's worked as well as it did considering my blatant lack of exercise the past 3-4 months. I'm almost hesitant to start walking again for fear of losing too much weight.

I lacked cooking motivation this week and mostly ate canned tuna, boiled eggs and cold sliced deli meats (yikes sodium) for my protein intake, along with steamed veggies and my daily fruit/cheese/bread meal.
For the celebration meal I ate home made pizza. My first time having pizza since March. It was quite delicious.

This week in weight:

November 2       138.4 lbs (Celebration meal. Pizza. Ice cream sandwich. Cookies.
November 3       139.4 lbs
November 4       139.0 lbs
November 5       138.2 lbs (wholewheat pasta meal)
November 6       138.0 lbs
November 7       138.4 lbs (protein Thursday)
November 8       136.0 lbs

Weight Chart

Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick or treat

Yesterday was Halloween. To have 'Protein Thursday' on a day filled with sugary goodness was a whole new level of torture but I made it without any cheating. The kids are happy with their loot and will be set for candy for months.

There was some weight gain this week compared to the one prior but I blame 'time of the month' for that. I tend to swell up like a balloon in the days prior and the first few days of it.

I made the most delicious chicken this week. Took a whole chicken, peeled off the skin and rubbed it with a spice/herb mix (salt free). It was then cooked in the crock pot for about 8 hours together with some carrots, celery, onions and garlic. It was the most tender and juicy chicken I've ever eaten and it will most definitely be made again.

Here's my weekly weight recap:

October 26      137.6 lbs Celebration meal: Cheeseburgers/fries (home made). Chips for desert.
October 27      138.2 lbs
October 28      138.8 lbs (time of the month started)
October 29      139.2 lbs Whole wheat pasta with leftover chicken
October 30      139.2 lbs (I cheated and ate 4 oatmeal cookies)
October 31      138.4 lbs Protein Thursday
November 1     137.6 lbs

Weight Chart