Yesterday I tried on my "soon" pants. The "soon" pants is a pile in my closet that I put aside because they were just slightly too tight. They all fit!! I got rid of all the smaller clothes a few months ago, because they made me depressed. Soon I'll go to a thrift store and find more pants and shirts that fit. (love thrift stores)
I've been eating pretty well lately. Turns out I actually like asparagus. I'm such a grown up...
Other than asparagus it's been lots of chicken and tuna. Yesterday I made oven baked turkey breasts covered with Greek yoghurt and Dijon mustard. So incredibly yummy. The yoghurt was fat free of course.
Found some super lean breakfast ham that I've been frying crispy and pretending it's bacon. It's working out pretty well so far.
Other than that I make sure to get my 30 minutes a day of exercise, either on the stationary bike or as a brisk walk, and drink the prescribed amount of water. Haven't had any more issues with #2, for which I was eternally grateful.
I'm thinking this diet is definitely the one for me. I have had no cravings since that one cookie I wrote about the other day.
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