I haven't cheated once... though there is a cookie on the counter right now, left by one of the kids, that is looking way too delicious.
The past two days I had a slight weight gain, but this morning it was all gone again and 0.2 pounds less to boot. I think I had eaten too much salt and retained some extra water. I cut down on salt and drank more water and it seems to have done the trick. I tried to not freak out over the tiny gain, but it was difficult. Have to make sure I don't start obsessing too much.
I'm trying to get new meal ideas and try new things to eat, but so far I haven't really found anything I feel strongly about. Tried to make eggplant chips last night, but without oil and salt they really didn't turn out that well. The meringue has definitely become a staple, going to try different flavours for them next time. Possibly some cocoa powder for a chocolatey treat.
We ordered chicken the other night from our favourite rotisserie. I ate a chicken breast with the skin peeled off, but I think that all in all there's just too much fat and salt leached into it for it to be eaten very often. I'll stick with my own oven baked chicken breasts instead.
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