So far I've baked spritz cookies and 'Lussekatter' (a swedish traditional pastry with saffron) and on the agenda for today is gingerbread cookies. So far I've managed to keep my raging cookie addiction in check... we'll see how it fares as December goes on. I also made some chocolate toffee yesterday and I may or may not have tasted a piece even though it was protein Thursday though I can't confirm nor deny this ;)
I worry about the holidays quite a bit. I'm worried that I'll go off the rails and eat way too much. I'm trying to keep the food I make here as Dukan friendly as possible, but we will also be going to other dinners and I don't want to seem rude and not eat what's offered. I know it's normal to gain a few pounds over the holidays but I would really like it if I could avoid doing that.
Here's the obligatory weekly weight recap:
11/30/2013 137.2 lbs Celebration meal: home made cheese/bacon burger, fries, icecream.
12/01/2013 138.6 lbs (was sick, barely ate anything)
12/02/2013 137.8 lbs Ate extra bread instead of whole wheat pasta
12/03/2013 138.4 lbs Cheated with 5 cookies *shame*
12/04/2013 139.0 lbs Homemade wholewheat pizza with light cheese (sort of a CM but healthy.)
12/05/2013 138.6 lbs Protein Thursday
12/06/2013 136.4 lbs
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